Hello, Friends! 

Welcome to Oodles of Doodles Life! We're all about celebrating the love and joy that adorable Goldendoodles and other 'oodle' breeds bring to our lives.

Our journey into the world of doodles started unexpectedly. Initially, we never saw ourselves as a "dog family." That all changed when our daughter made it her mission to convince us otherwise.  Our two sons jumped on board with the idea as well. In early 2020, after heartfelt discussions and extensive research, we welcomed our first Goldendoodle, Gnocchi, into our lives, just four days before the world seemed to pause.

During those challenging times of seclusion and uncertainty, Gnocchi became more than a pet; she became our source of comfort, companionship, and unwavering love. We realized the incredible impact these amazing doodles have on our lives.

In January of 2021, Mabel, another Goldendoodle, found her way into our family through rescue. With her arrival, our doodle family grew, and our hearts expanded even further. Gnocchi and Mabel, our beloved Goldendoodles, are not just pets—they're family. They're so important to us that they're proudly represented in our logo.

The love we have for our doodles inspired us to share that same passion with fellow doodle enthusiasts. That's why we decided to create apparel that reflects the adoration we have for these furry companions. Our clothing is more than just fabric and design; it's a symbol of devotion and admiration for doodles and the happiness they bring.

As we continue this journey, we're excited to expand our range to include more products that capture the essence of doodles and their loving nature. After all, doodles have an incredible capacity to fill our lives with boundless love, and we want to share that feeling with you.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure. Here's to celebrating the boundless affection and joy that doodles bring into our lives, one paw print at a time.

With love, Suzanne & Joseph (Gnocchi & Mabel, too!)

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